What makes a project management tool simple and easy to use?

What makes a project management tool simple and easy to use?

Arjan Veenstra


May 2, 2023

Managing a project can be a daunting task, especially for small teams with limited resources. Fortunately, there are many project management tools available that can help small teams organize their projects and streamline their workflows and team communication. In this article, we'll take a look at what makes a project management tool simple and easy to use, and highlight some of the best options for small teams.

Firstly, let's define what we mean by "small teams". For our purposes, a small team is a group of individuals working on a project together who have a limited budget and resources. Small teams typically have fewer than ten members and may be working remotely or in a shared office space. These teams require a project management tool that is easy to use, without any learning curve, has a great UX, is affordable, and is scalable.

When it comes to choosing a project management tool for a small team, simplicity is key. You don't want your team to spend too much time adopting the tool. Complex tools can be great for enterprise-type companies but you want to steer clear of this being a small team. A simple project management tool is one that is easy to use and understand, with an intuitive interface and straightforward workflows. A simple project management tool should not overwhelm your team with too many features, a cluttered interface or complex workflows, but instead focus on the most essential functionalities that small teams need to complete their projects efficiently (and nothing more).

One example of a simple project management tool is Trello. Trello is a visual collaboration tool that solely uses Kanban boards, cards, and lists to organize projects and tasks. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and flexible, allowing users to create custom workflows and adapt the tool to their specific needs. With features like drag-and-drop task management and customizable labels, Trello makes it easy for small teams to collaborate and stay on top of their projects. However some people think it's too simple as documents, chat and timelines are all not part of its functionality suite.

Then there's Basecamp. Basecamp is a project management tool designed for small remote teams that provides a centralized platform for team collaboration, project management, and team communication. One of the key features of Basecamp is its simplicity, which makes it easy for teams of all sizes and skill levels to use and adopt. With a clean, user-friendly interface and intuitive project management tools, Basecamp is a popular choice for remote teams looking for a simple and effective project management solution.

A user described Basecamp like this: "We've been using Basecamp for years now, and it's been a game-changer for our team. The interface is so clean and easy to navigate, and the project management tools are intuitive and efficient. With Basecamp, we've been able to streamline our project workflows and improve communication across our remote team. I would highly recommend Basecamp to any team looking for a simple and effective project management tool."

Another example of a simple project management tool is Hello Ivy. Hello Ivy is a project and task management tool that allows teams to track their work and collaborate in real-time. The platform features a clean and intuitive interface, with beautiful and easy-to-use project management tools. With Hello Ivy, small teams can assign tasks, set deadlines, share docs, plan and communicate with each other, all from a single platform.

A user described Hello Ivy like this: "My search the past few weeks has been to find a task manager, wiki/notes, etc. all-in-one. There's quite a few products that can do this, or get close, but they're overly complicated. I MUCH prefer the simpler nature of Hello Ivy."

And another user said: "We've previously tried Clickup for a few years but ended up with feature fatigue after they got heavily funded and threw in too many features. I love working with hello ivy, the design is great and the UX is slick."

In conclusion, small teams require a project management tool that is easy to use, affordable, and scalable. Simple project management tools like Trello, Hello Ivy, and Basecamp offer user-friendly interfaces, logical workflows, and essential functionalities to help small teams stay on top of their projects. By choosing the right project management tool, small teams can streamline their workflows, increase productivity, and achieve their goals more efficiently.

Managing a project can be a daunting task, especially for small teams with limited resources. Fortunately, there are many project management tools available that can help small teams organize their projects and streamline their workflows and team communication. In this article, we'll take a look at what makes a project management tool simple and easy to use, and highlight some of the best options for small teams.

Firstly, let's define what we mean by "small teams". For our purposes, a small team is a group of individuals working on a project together who have a limited budget and resources. Small teams typically have fewer than ten members and may be working remotely or in a shared office space. These teams require a project management tool that is easy to use, without any learning curve, has a great UX, is affordable, and is scalable.

When it comes to choosing a project management tool for a small team, simplicity is key. You don't want your team to spend too much time adopting the tool. Complex tools can be great for enterprise-type companies but you want to steer clear of this being a small team. A simple project management tool is one that is easy to use and understand, with an intuitive interface and straightforward workflows. A simple project management tool should not overwhelm your team with too many features, a cluttered interface or complex workflows, but instead focus on the most essential functionalities that small teams need to complete their projects efficiently (and nothing more).

One example of a simple project management tool is Trello. Trello is a visual collaboration tool that solely uses Kanban boards, cards, and lists to organize projects and tasks. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and flexible, allowing users to create custom workflows and adapt the tool to their specific needs. With features like drag-and-drop task management and customizable labels, Trello makes it easy for small teams to collaborate and stay on top of their projects. However some people think it's too simple as documents, chat and timelines are all not part of its functionality suite.

Then there's Basecamp. Basecamp is a project management tool designed for small remote teams that provides a centralized platform for team collaboration, project management, and team communication. One of the key features of Basecamp is its simplicity, which makes it easy for teams of all sizes and skill levels to use and adopt. With a clean, user-friendly interface and intuitive project management tools, Basecamp is a popular choice for remote teams looking for a simple and effective project management solution.

A user described Basecamp like this: "We've been using Basecamp for years now, and it's been a game-changer for our team. The interface is so clean and easy to navigate, and the project management tools are intuitive and efficient. With Basecamp, we've been able to streamline our project workflows and improve communication across our remote team. I would highly recommend Basecamp to any team looking for a simple and effective project management tool."

Another example of a simple project management tool is Hello Ivy. Hello Ivy is a project and task management tool that allows teams to track their work and collaborate in real-time. The platform features a clean and intuitive interface, with beautiful and easy-to-use project management tools. With Hello Ivy, small teams can assign tasks, set deadlines, share docs, plan and communicate with each other, all from a single platform.

A user described Hello Ivy like this: "My search the past few weeks has been to find a task manager, wiki/notes, etc. all-in-one. There's quite a few products that can do this, or get close, but they're overly complicated. I MUCH prefer the simpler nature of Hello Ivy."

And another user said: "We've previously tried Clickup for a few years but ended up with feature fatigue after they got heavily funded and threw in too many features. I love working with hello ivy, the design is great and the UX is slick."

In conclusion, small teams require a project management tool that is easy to use, affordable, and scalable. Simple project management tools like Trello, Hello Ivy, and Basecamp offer user-friendly interfaces, logical workflows, and essential functionalities to help small teams stay on top of their projects. By choosing the right project management tool, small teams can streamline their workflows, increase productivity, and achieve their goals more efficiently.